Peer Review Policy

The Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research is a double-blind, peer-reviewed academic and scientific journal. All manuscripts submitted for publication should be original. Manuscripts published or under consideration for publication elsewhere should not be submitted and will not be considered. Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.

The manuscript submitted to the journal management system is reviewed by the editor-in-chief within two weeks at least. The manuscripts are critically reviewed based on the journal’s submission criteria:

  • aims and scope of the journal
  • quality of manuscript 
  • journal writing rules (APA 7 rules)
  • publication language 
  • citing and references

The manuscript is reviewed by the editor-in-chief, and if it does not meet the above-mentioned criteria, it is rejected. If the manuscript meets the aforementioned criteria, the editorial process is carried out by the editor-in-chief, assigned editor/associate editor. 

All manuscripts undergo double-blind peer review by at least two external reviewers assigned by the editor-in-chief or assigned editor/associate editor.

These reviewers inform the editors within two weeks, at least, of their decision whether to review the manuscript. If the reviewers don't inform their decision timely or decline to review, new external reviewers are assigned to review the manuscript by editors.

Assigned external reviewers use the journal review form to review the manuscript. The review process may take up to 8 weeks for the first decision.

External reviewers' decisions serve as a guide for the editor-in-chief or assigned associate editors to make the final decisions. The final decision always belongs to the editors.

Reviewers can state the following four decisions regarding the reviewed manuscript:

  • Accept for Publication
  • Revisions Required (Accept with minor revisions: Revisions are reviewed by the editors)
  • Resubmit for Review (Major revisions: It will be reviewed for the second round) 
  • Reject (It is not recommended for publishing)
  • Submit Elsewhere (It is not the scope of the journal: Reject)

Based on the reviewers' decisions, third or fourth reviewers can be assigned. In this case, a similar review process is carried out.

After reviews are completed, reviewers' comments and views are examined for at least two weeks by editors. Editors make the final decision for the manuscript by taking into consideration reviewers' decisions and suggestions. The final decision is sent to the author.

The editor in charge of the editorial process of the aforementioned external peer-review procedure is specified in the published article's declaration section.