About the Journal
The scope of The Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research encompasses a wide array of topics relevant to the education, development, and well-being of twice-exceptional students. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Theoretical frameworks and models that inform understanding of twice-exceptionality.
- Strengths-based approaches to teaching and learning for 2e students.
- Educational interventions, programs, and strategies tailored to 2e learners.
- Lived experiences and narratives of 2e students, families, and educators.
- Policy analysis and advocacy efforts to improve 2e education.
- Professional development and pre-service teacher training on 2e education.
- Intersectional perspectives on twice-exceptionality, including cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic factors.
The journal welcomes contributions in various forms, including original research articles, meta-analyses, literature reviews, case studies, reflective practice reports, and practitioner-oriented pieces. By embracing diverse voices and perspectives, The Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research aims to be a comprehensive resource for understanding and addressing the needs of this unique population.
Copyright Notice
All content published in the Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research is copyrighted © 2025 unless otherwise stated. Articles, images, and other materials may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, except in cases of fair use for research, teaching, or review purposes. Authors retain copyright of their individual contributions, with the journal holding a license to publish and distribute their work. For questions about permissions or licensing, please contact editor@jter.org.
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The Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research values your privacy and is committed to protecting any personal information you provide. Any information collected during manuscript submission, subscription sign-ups, or website use will be used solely for the purposes of communication, publication, and service improvement. We do not share personal data with third parties unless required by law or with your explicit consent. Authors submitting work to the journal agree that their contact information may be shared with reviewers and editors for the purposes of peer review. For questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at editor@jter.org.
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The Journal of Twice-Exceptional Research is a proud participant in the LOCKSS system, which ensures that all journal content is preserved and accessible for the long term. This participation guarantees that the scholarly record remains intact and accessible to future researchers, even in the event of technical issues or organizational changes.